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History surrounds us and informs our lives whether we choose to notice it or not. In English schools (and international schools who follow the English curriculum) students are mainly focused on British history in Key Stage 3, moving into the wider world in the nineteenth and twentieth century for GCSE and A Level. 

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The Tudors

The Tudor period marks one of the most turbulent eras of British history. The soap opera of Henry VIII's love life began an endless back and forth of religions which began the tensions which would reach their peak under the Stuarts. Click here for resources.

Matroyshka Dolls


An empire that has straddled Europe and Asia for more than 500 years, Russia has grown and shrunk but has never stopped being a powerful influence on the world. Resources coming soon.

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The Stuarts

Gunpowder plotters, civil war, Puritanical republicanism and eventual restoration make the Stuart period an exciting and complex century. Click here for resources. 

National currency


From the moment the colonials kicked the British out, it was clear that the United States of America was a significant new global player.  Resources coming soon.

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Industry and Empire

The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were a period of dominance for Britain. For better or worse the world is still feeling its impact today.

Resources coming soon.

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